“Screen Reader Tells Me Blocks of Texts, But I Can Hardly Piece Them Together”:
A Study of Infographics Reading Among Blind and Low Vision People
1) We uncovered the practices and the challenges of how BLV people read infographics on mobile phones.
2) We identified the limitations of the current screen reader technology and the needs and expectations of BLV people for infographic reading.
3) We derived five design considerations for improving the accessibility of infographic for BLV people.
Infographics are widespread in the media. For the public, infographics enrich the form of information, relieve the burden of under standing complex information, and speed up the spread of information. However, for the 2.2 billion people with visual impairment, it is unclear whether infographics speed up or slow down access to information. In this study, we conducted a survey study to estimate the importance of infographic reading in the lives of BLV people and then interviewed 18 BLV people to observe and understand their practices and challenges when reading infographics. By analyzing their think-aloud verbalizations and practices, we identified three thinking patterns that BLV people follow when reading infographics. Furthermore, according to our observations and interviews, we summarized the challenges BLV people encounter when reading infographics and their expectations for improving the accessibility of infographics. Lastly, based on our findings, we propose five design considerations to improve the accessibility of infographics.
RQ1: What are the current practices and challenges of reading infographics for BLV people?
RQ2: What are the attitudes and expectations of BLV people towards the accessibility of reading infographics?
This is a submission to CHI23. The content of the article will be published later...